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Thanks for finding me here! My name is Samuel Sanders, I am an author, entrepreneur, and speaker.

Get your copy now!

Your Next Big Idea launches in May 2021.

Do you ever look at a business or invention and wonder, “How did they come up with that?” Your Next Big Idea tackles that question by teaching you an innovative idea-development process. The book is designed to be interactive, with each section featuring exercises and information that will challenge your perspective. No matter what your current level of creativity, ideation, or problem-solving skills, this book will show you how entrepreneurs, business professionals and everyday people come up with big game-changing ideas. Ultimately, this book will help you create a process to test and validate solutions that will unleash Your Next Big Idea.

Awarded Blue Ink Notable Book

Booklife by Publishers Weekly Production Grades:
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A

Featured by Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Life and Strategic Possibilities Podcast

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Heard, LLC

Heard, is a tech company that helps small and local governments connect with citizens so everyone’s voice is well... “Heard”. Heard also helps local governments organize all of the thoughts and ideas that citizens have to improve the community in a meaningful way.

Here is the problem Heard solves. Say someone has an idea for how to improve their local community. If they are feeling bold they may share it with a friend, or potentially email a representative. However, due to people’s perception of local government responsive rates, most of the time this does not happen and good ideas are lost. With Heard, someone can post an idea they have in the app, and instead of it being sent directly to the government it is sent to other citizens. Citizens can then choose to support ideas and provide feedback for the creator. The creator can then edit and adjust the idea to gain more support. Once an idea has enough support it is sent to the local government and looks like this:

Jane Doe proposed that all police in our local neighborhood should be required to wear body cameras. Twenty Thousand people voted to support this proposal. A total of 84% of the people in your community agree with this proposal. You can find more data on the proposal by clicking on the notification.

For citizens, this collective backing from the community helps ideas get more effectively Heard, for governments Heard provides a way to organize and prioritize citizen feedback to save them time, and help innovate their community.



Sam speaks about innovation and creativity. He is open to speaking for corporate training, corporate events, and for universities. If you are interested in inviting Sam to speak click the button below.